Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Do Not Lack Small Altars and Sacramentals in Your Homes
Message of the Saint Charbel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on September 27, 2024

Go forth, look at the Heaven that awaits you and invoke Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, the Divine Name, the Name above every other name. Jesus means God saves. God saves the poor, the hungry, the marginalized, the broken-hearted, the disappointed, the betrayed, the sick. God saves those who invoke Him. Jesus is True God and True Man. He is the Christ, the Messiah, the Holy One of Israel, whom Israel did not accept or believe.
“Whoever invokes the Name of the Lord will be saved”.
Jesus is the Lord, the Immanuel, “my Lord and my God”.
“THE WORD was God”. Sacred Scripture contains all revealed Truth.
The Apparitions do not deny it, but confirm it. It is true that Revelation is complete, but God still speaks to His People to prepare them for His Majestic Coming.
God still speaks, He is Alive and He works. The True Apparitions will appear false to humans, but will remain true in God forever.
Be vigilant and do not believe the slander, defamation and insinuations of false believers and false ministers. Be vigilant. Accept the Appeal of Contrada Santa Teresa and come every day at five to pray THE TWENTY MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY.
Do not lack small altars and sacramentals in your homes. Have SPIRITUAL COMMUNION WITH THE TRUE EUCHARIST OF THE TRUE CHURCH.
They will soon introduce new and old heresies. Germany will be struck in its capital, and Blood will flow in its streets. Italy has denied the True Christ to follow the false gods of foreigners: a new paganism. Watch, pray, make amends. Pray to Me in this way:
O Holy Thaumaturge of Lebanon, intercede for us with the Divine Son Jesus and obtain for us the graces of healing and liberation. Touch us and heal us, touch us and free us.
O Saint Charbel, we invoke and venerate You. Heal us from every infirmity. Make us love the Cross and meekness of heart. Make us like Jesus, "meek and humble of heart".
Intercede for us sinners, in need of true conversion. Lay Your hands on our leaders and free us from the spirit of the world, an anti-Christian and nefarious spirit, blasphemous and rebellious towards the Father. Make us humble servants of Jesus the Redeemer, King and Lord, who returns with His Saints and Angels in the Glory of the Father. Amen.